Youth Groups

A youth group retreat is a transformative experience designed to provide young people with opportunities for personal growth, community building, and spiritual exploration. Set in a supportive and engaging environment, these retreats offer a break from the pressures of everyday life and provide a space for youth to connect with peers, deepen their faith, and explore meaningful topics relevant to their lives. Through a blend of interactive activities, group discussions, and experiential learning, participants are empowered to develop leadership skills, build friendships, and cultivate a sense of purpose and belonging.

Ideas and Expectations for a Youth Group Retreat:


  1. Icebreaker Games and Team-Building Activities: Fun and engaging activities designed to break the ice, build trust, and foster a sense of community among participants.
  2. Interactive Workshops and Discussions: Interactive sessions on topics such as identity, self-esteem, relationships, faith, and social justice, providing opportunities for self-reflection and meaningful dialogue.
  3. Outdoor Adventures and Recreation: Outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, or challenge courses that promote teamwork, leadership, and physical fitness.
  4. Creative Expression: Artistic activities such as music, drama, or visual arts workshops that encourage self-expression and creativity.
  5. Worship and Spiritual Practices: Times of prayer, worship, and reflection that allow participants to deepen their faith and spiritual connection in a supportive and inclusive environment.
  6. Service Projects: Opportunities to engage in service projects or volunteer work that promote empathy, compassion, and social responsibility.
  7. Small Group Discussions and Sharing Circles: Small group discussions facilitated by trained leaders, providing a safe space for participants to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  8. Campfire and Evening Activities: Evening gatherings around a campfire with songs, stories, and reflections, fostering a sense of community and connection.


  • Respectful Behavior: A commitment to treating others with kindness, respect, and empathy, creating a safe and inclusive environment for all participants.
  • Active Participation: Engagement in all activities with enthusiasm and a willingness to participate fully in discussions, workshops, and group activities.
  • Openness to Learning: Curiosity and openness to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, recognizing the retreat as an opportunity for personal growth and discovery.
  • Supportive Community: Building friendships and connections with peers, supporting one another, and fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance within the group.
  • Reflection and Integration: Reflection on the insights gained during the retreat and a commitment to applying learning and insights to everyday life.
  • Spiritual Exploration: A willingness to explore questions of faith, spirituality, and personal values, seeking understanding and connection with oneself and others.

By the end of the youth group retreat, participants typically feel more connected, empowered, and inspired, with deeper friendships, a stronger sense of identity, and a renewed commitment to living out their values and beliefs in the world. They leave with memories and experiences that will stay with them for a lifetime.