Located in Lanoka Harbor NJ Join our Mailing List
Contact: MurrayGrove@MurrayGrove.org / 609-693-5558

Your Donations at Work

Expanded Social Justice

Murray Grove is not your typical retreat center. As an affordably priced center, we can offer space to an under served population: fellow non-profits working hard on social justice issues. Your donations are critical to the expansion of Social Justice initiatives. Some examples:

Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE)

The Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE) was established in 1985 to provide a networking forum for New Jersey’s environmental educators. We are an organization of dedicated individuals who devote time, energy, and resources to facilitate the advancement of environmental education in our local, state, and global communities.

Black Lives of Unitarian Universalist (BLUU)

The BLUU Organizing Collective is committed to to:

  • Expanding the power & capacity of Black UUs within our faith.
  • Providing support, information & resources for Black Unitarian Universalists.
  • Justice-making and liberation through our faith.

Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)

DRUUMM is a Unitarian Universalist People of Color Ministry and anti-racist collective bringing lay and religious professionals together to overcome racism through resistance and transform Unitarian Universalism through our multicultural experiences. As an all-volunteer ministry, DRUUMM continues to lead efforts to fulfill the Journey Towards Wholeness Resolution towards becoming an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural UUA, creating space for youth, young adult and our families of color to heal and work collectively, and steward an effective organization that develops new leadership and manages consistent communication with members.

East Coast Solidarity Summer (ECSS)

East Coast Solidarity Summer (ECSS): formerly DC Desi Summer, is a leadership and empowerment program for youth of South Asian and Desi heritage (including those of mixed heritage) who are passionate about social justice.

Monmouth County Consortium for Youth LGBTQ

The Monmouth County Consortium for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youth is an umbrella organization of concerned and determined educators, community leaders, arts and cultural organizations, businesses and individuals who are are pooling resources and ideas to make it better with education, outreach, and social opportunities for our LGBTQ youth.

New Labor

New Labor is an organization that educates, organizes and fights for better work conditions and social justice in the workplace. With around 4,000 members forming its base, New Labor organizes to develop power and amplify our members’ voices in the community, the workplace, and the political realm. We are guided by 5 fundamental principles: 1. Working Together; 2. Creating Opportunities; 3. Respect; 4. Empowerment; 5. Equality.

Diversity of Beliefs

In addition to Unitarian Universalist groups and congregations, Murray Grove provides space for a wide diversity of faith organizations. Your donations support the ‘acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth’ beyond the walls of our congregations. Some examples:

American Ethical Union (AEU)

Avalon Grove (Offers Celtic Christian services to celebrate the ancient Celtic holidays.)

Circle of Light NY Holistic Healing (Reiki)

Cold Mountain Zen

Indonesian Pentecostal Family Church of NY

Jewish Mindfulness Retreat

Lighthouse Christian Worship Center

St. Lukes Youth Group

The Episcopal Diocese of NJ

Triumph the Church of NJ